1. Purpose

RHINO ANALYTICS LIMITED, (the “Company”) stands committed to ensuring that all activities undertaken by the Company are carried out with due regard for any potential environmental impact. We appreciate that all our activities, whether in the office or as a consequence of the business activities we undertake have a positive or negative impact on the environment. The Company’s activities are subject to on-going review and there is commitment from the senior management team to reduce our environmental impact as far as is reasonably practicable. This policy is part of our Company’s wider commitment to adopting ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) best practices. Our environmental commitment and aims are outlined within this policy.

2. Scope

The procedures and principles set out herein apply to the Company and all its employees, agents, contractors, consultants, temporary staff, casual or agency staff, or other suppliers or data processors (hereafter referred to as “Staff”) working for or on behalf of the Company.

3. Policy Statement

The Company is committed to reducing environmental impact and commits to:

    • Comply with all relevant regulatory requirements
    • Continue improving and monitoring the environmental performance
    • Continue improving and reducing environmental impact
    • Increase employee awareness

4. Reduced Paper Policy
We save resources and energy by avoiding printing and the associated postage overheads by communicating electronically. We ask all suppliers and others who deal with us to interact with us in this manner where possible. Printing physical copies should be reserved for moments of absolute necessity. Documents should be viewed, shared and managed electronically whenever possible. As well as environmental benefits, being paperless helps us to streamline our organisation. Our turnaround time when communicating and supporting people involved in the service is far lower when there are no paper overheads. We avoid the use of fax machines and photocopiers. On the rare occasions where letters do need to be sent to us, once processed, any paper is securely destroyed or carefully recycled.

5. Reduced Plastic Policy

We aim to minimise the use of plastic within our operations and wherever possible recycle plastic that is used.

6. Energy efficiency

Energy is one of the largest controllable overheads in office buildings which means there are many opportunities to make savings. Reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions is not only good for the environment, it saves the Company money.
Lighting: Switch off lights. It is a common myth that it is better to leave fluorescent lights on as starting them up wastes more energy than if they remain permanently switched on. Report failing lights and replace them immediately, ideally with LED lights. Avoid blinds down – adjust blinds so that natural light is used while cutting the glare.
Heating: Ensure heating is only on during working hours and that heating is adjusted to reflect the needs of the different seasons. Often simple adjustments can reduce costs without impacting Staff comfort. Radiators, fans and ducts should be clear of furniture and other obstructions. It is a myth that leaving air conditioning on overnight reduces energy costs as the system stays at the required temperature. The actual result is much higher energy consumption.
Office Equipment: Turn off and power down. Switch off all equipment when not in use and enable power down modes. As well as clearly reducing the energy consumption, it also reduces the heat produced by equipment which in turn, lowers cooling costs. When you need to print, set default printing to double-sided (duplex).

7. Transportation

As a cycle-friendly employer we: Provide facilities to support cycling to work such as washing and changing.

8. Water Supply

Using water-saving techniques can save the Company money and mean that less water is diverted from our rivers, bays, and estuaries, which helps keep the environment healthy. It can also reduce water and wastewater treatment costs and the amount of energy used to treat, pump, and heat water. We encourage staff to make use of built in water filters to reduce need for bottled water.

9. Waste Management

We will:

    • Minimise waste through reuse and recycling. Separate waste into recyclable and non-recyclable materials and place in the appropriate provided containers.
    • Dispose of electronic waste through an authorised commercial WEEE recycling agent.
    • Reuse transit packaging where possible.
    • Continue to consider our environmental performance and minimise waste.
    • Include consideration of environmental sustainability in our business strategy and future activities.

10. Suppliers
We give preference to suppliers that hold ISO 14000 accreditation or an environmental policy that adheres to these standards.

11. Policy Governance

Responsibility for the Environmental Policy rests with Carl Edwards. Duties include, but are not limited to:

  • Ensuring that all staff in scope and appropriate external parties have read and confirmed their acceptance of the latest version of this policy
  • Monitoring for legal, regulatory or industry best practice developments in relation to this policy
  • Coordinate with senior management, IT, and legal counsel to communicate and review issues related to this policy
  • Review and update this policy at least every 12 months, in order that it remains fit for purpose

Exceptions to this policy shall be allowed only if previously approved by Carl Edwards. This policy has been approved by senior management and is effective from 08-May-2024.