Are you ready for embedded and contextual analytics?

If you are considering embedded or white-labelled analytics solutions, this post will help to explain why it’s paramount for you to first understand the analytic capability of your software before taking action.   As a product manager, you will need to determine what constitutes a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) before launching it. It is critical to […]

Holistic reporting made possible with data blending

In today’s digital age, organisations rely on the ability to understand their growth opportunities and market forces at a glance. They need quick access to a holistic view of their business.  This can be made possible when they have the ability to gather, store, process, analyse and interpret data from a centralised system. From this […]

Let Natural Language Query be your guide

Natural Language Query (NLQ) allows a user to enter search terms or phrases as if they are speaking them naturally. This includes statements, questions or a simple list of keywords.  NLQ is a self-service BI capability that allows non technical users to ask questions of their data and receive a chart or report that answers […]

Transforming PIM

RHINOIT ANNOUNCES PARTNERSHIP WITH DELTEK Enhancing Project Information Management systems with smart analytics MILTON KEYNES – 12 May 2021 – RhinoIT Business Intelligence Solutions, a technology company helping organisations transform data into insight, is delighted to announce their partnership with Deltek, the leading global provider of enterprise software and solutions for project-based businesses. Deltek Project […]

Insights that find you

Rhino Data Insights (RDI) is our full suite Business Intelligence platform with automated insights and smart analytics. A ‘one-stop’ integrated solution with Yellowfin at its core. Our BI experts have built up practical ‘know-how’ on what works. We love sharing these valuable lessons with clients and have proven that any BI infrastructure can be up […]

Transforming debt prevention

We are proud to be Technology Partners with newly launched company Connected Data. An exciting innovation that offers data-driven Business Intelligence solutions, transforming the way organisations prevent and reduce debt.  This project is a perfect example of our expertise in building bespoke software that makes a meaningful difference to the finance industry. Making it possible to […]

Prepare data that’s fit for consumption

When creating a meal the Chef carefully considers the correct mix of essential ingredients. Ensuring the meal not only looks and taste great but also provides the optimum health and nutrition. This is also true for business intelligence data preparation. Organisations need to consolidate essential information from disparate sources, in a way that provides satisfying […]

Can’t see the view for the fields?

Can you ever imagine a time without spreadsheets? They don’t appear to be going away anytime soon, and for good reason. Most businesses hold historical data within them, and let’s face it, they are a snap to create. However, in today’s fast-paced world of data consumption via dazzling pretty pics our trusted friend ‘the spreadsheet’ […]